Showing posts with label rage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rage. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 October 2015


All my eggs are cast in one
The other baskets have shells
Rotten eggs don't sink in a basin
My heart flows like clear water
The honesty now reeks as lies
Its burst cistern will tumble with rage
"Do as I say, I'll do as I will
Bottle up my rampage, it's not for sale
See the world only through my eyes."
My eyes have turned to shells
The yolk tumbles from rage
And I'm blind, for your eyes are shut

Monday 20 May 2013


I had him between my legs
It was my first, and it ached
I laid helpless in throbbing pains
At his mercy while he raged
Gruesome and terrifying, relief was afar
We tussled and he seemed the winner
If he could, my bowels in shreds
Then he came with a loud thud
And yelled his first in this sinful world.

Friday 27 April 2012


You are the silo of my thoughts
Where the pollens graze
Where the scythes leash in

Famished gardens of my heart
Where hungry pests flirt
Blooming saps besieged
Crave coned petals of your bosom
Fertilizer for the Slytherin's rage

My clouds are heavy
Prepare your fallowed land
Let me sow, I will water
The land skirted in green
Delight and envy at crossroads